Make money work for you – Amorati

Make money work for you


Are investments interesting to you?
Passive income?
Do you need money for self-expression?

This hypnosis is the second part of the “Money Magnet” hypnosis.
You will employ the money with it.

It is a hypnosis about investing, passive income and employing money to bring freedom for self-expression, joy, creativity, happiness. That means we don’t work for money, but they work for us. This attracts passive incomes and investment at all levels, which helps to live more freely.

It is recommended to listen to this hypnosis only after listening to the first part – “Money Magnet”.

A hypnosis record in English is currently being produced.

& All other popular payment methods

About the product

Personal Sharing:

In making this hypnosis, it was necessary to listen to it, grind it, and paint it many times. While working with hypnosis, the producer suddenly started calling the next day, with 4 concerts a day booked. Otilia, too, just looks out of the sky, new offers have begun to fall, quite unexpectedly. And several deals in one day.

People talk

There were as many customers in a month as I had in half a year

Hello. And I will share about real measurable things. After a sincere 3-month quarantine, as many customers as I had in a month have fallen in a month and all cases are so easy, they come by themselves, transactions happen quickly, everyone is happy. For a while I was confused about my professional activity, so to all the happy clients, today I received a new job offer. Remember, Otilia, you said how someone asked you, “Well, the dead man is coming,” and you said yes. That thought of “not what you do, but who you are — abundant” is magical! Thank you.


I also felt my powers and talents

Today, hypnosis was very strong, I felt like twitching in the muscles all over the body, most possibly in the legs, like impulses, but a pleasant feeling when the body is relaxed, the mind is calm, all in hypnosis. I think it was really great to be in that state, because bright images, such as opening portals, started to go by and I felt like I was moving them deeper and deeper, everything was glowing in different colors, I saw some scenes like from a movie, but I understand that these are my previous experiences, it was really interesting to watch them. I also felt my powers, the talents that are in me, about which I did not know. I am grateful to myself for living this life, for being able to experience it now and here, for being exactly where I need to be, everything is going on in life, exactly as it should be. Thank you all, we are for each other.


The trampoline helped to resist the viscous swamp – money fell from the sky

Hello, Otilia. Your hypnosis helped me get out of the point of death where I was stuck for about 10 years and make a breakthrough in a very short time in the areas of self-realization and abundance. I started listening to your hypnosis in August and in a month all the circumstances came together so that I finally went out to study quite expensive training (I have wanted it for a long time) and in the true sense of the word money fell from the sky for that purpose and still falls, of course, steps towards that I had to put myself, but your hypnosis was a great impulse for me to act and the springboard helped me to resist the viscous swamp and reach a level where I had the opportunity to realize myself and start a whole new stage of life that gives me endless joy ❤️❤️❤️ I said but I will repeat it again – I admire your talent in hypnosis, the feeling that you are created for it. Thank you for being and sharing ❤️❤️❤️

Neringa A.

I only dreamed about such an amount

Good morning – first of all I want to be happy to have discovered you, a few months when I fall asleep with hypnosis every night. It became like a daily routine. I asked for a money magnet, it is true, in December, then my income is the highest of the year, because I work with desserts, but whatever it was, I really only dreamed about this amount, space !!! I also really liked self-confidence, sometimes it seems that confidence is even pouring over the edges 🙈😅 At the moment I listen to intuition, I don’t even know if I can attribute merit to this hypnosis, but I felt such a burning attraction to study astrology that even when opportunity to take the textbook rank.


Started inviting to job interviews

In the first place, even the entrance to hypnosis has changed. In the past, when I had to go deep – I dived into the darkness, and now I always go into the light and feel really deep (and I feel a lot of difference when I use hypno oil, I’m disconnected with it and my thoughts don’t go wrong). And what happens when you listen to your hypnosis? It started to invite me to job interviews after financial hypnosis (although I don’t even get anywhere, but I really have that inner desire). And not only because of that, but self-confidence has grown a lot, in the past it seemed not worth something, and now the thought “and why not try it?”.


After hypnosis – very suitable for listening to an album

Remember I wrote you that I was afraid of hypnosis? But you know I started listening to ‘Hummingbird’, I wanted to start listening to one myself to get bogged down and experience the real benefits of it. Know I listen 2-3 times a day, I really enjoyed it, it relaxes, of course I don’t know if I get 100% benefit, but I want to keep listening and listening. Because it’s so short, I wanted to have a second experience right away…> Another very interesting experience – I fell in love with your album, listening wherever I could. After the hypnosis I really want to listen to your music, yesterday after the hypnosis and after the ‘inner child’ tears rolled, I really wanted to share it with you, I feel great gratitude🤍


The doctor of the soul

I still listen to your music and the mantra of gratitude to myself, I am extremely grateful to God, the Universe that you are and only from the moment I started listening to hypnosis I felt what peace of mind and soul, there was no peace, stability for many years, I did not hear myself… You are my soul doctor ❤️


There is a lot of trust – the oil helps

I want to share about the benefits and effects of hypnosis! Your Hypnosis Works Wonders! 😉 I have asked ‘Hummingbird’, ‘Self-Confidence’ and ‘Awaken Your Intuition to Success’. Because I have been caring for a seriously ill person for many years, I am often exhausted both morally and physically. After discovering you and starting to listen to hypnosis, I had a lot of self-confidence, I started to look at all life situations from a different angle. It was as if a heavy bag had fallen off his shoulders. There was a desire to go high, get dressed… Psychological condition has greatly improved, want to breathe fresh air.
Also, I have purchased your oil. He’s awesome. It helps to calm down and relax. I have now started listening to ‘Money Magnet’. Although I only listen for two more days – after hypnosis I feel very rested. Feeling like getting up after the night! Thank you, Otilia!


The Difference Between Using Hypno Oil

In the first place, even the entrance to hypnosis has changed. In the past, when I needed to go deep, I dived into the darkness, and now I’m always into the light and feel really deep (and I really feel the difference when I use hypno oil, I’m disconnected with it and no longer get lost in my thoughts). And what happens when you listen to your hypnosis? It started inviting me to a job interview after financial hypnosis (although I’m not even looking anywhere, but I really have that inner desire). And not only because of that, but self-confidence has grown a lot, in the past it seemed not worth something I am, and now the thoughts – ‘why not give it a try?’.


Awesome piece

This morning is something amazing! I started with hypnosis, I finished with meditation. I managed to relax and feel so strongly – only thanks to the oil. Wonderful creation… Later I went for a walk and started to meet the animal as a sign from above – I couldn’t believe it because I saw a flock of deer in the distance. I felt in such a strong abundance! Thanks to the Universe.


Miraculous experiences

Thank you, wonderful goddess, for hearing you. I used your gifts intuition, smeared my wrists, smelled all evening and even my head was light from the scent. And when I went to sleep in San Pedro, for some reason I wanted to drop a drop on my palms, I rubbed well and went to sleep, at night I dreamed of an angel forming from a cloud. The next day I was doing Reiki, and I put it on my palms again, before the session, and an Angel appeared during the session, also saying my name.

These are the first miraculous experiences. Thank you thank you thank you.


The panic attacks disappeared and the pressure returned to normal

Dear Otilia, I also want to share my experience of hypnosis. I’m only listening to the hypnosis “Intuition for Success” on the ninth day.

I started listening to her because of bad thoughts and fictional fears. What do you think? The nerve-based panic attacks completely disappeared for me, as a result of which the heart was constantly beating, the pulse was always about a hundred, the constant pressure in the heart area. He’s gone !!! Now such a good feeling in the chest, complete peace, pulse has become normal.

My next point is to try to come to terms with the loss of my father. I always see him, unfortunately dead only… but on the third day listening to hypnosis, I had a mad tear through my eyes closed! And now, I started dreaming about it alive! Seeing our wonderful time spent together, I see his glowing eyes and wishing me happiness. I try to apply and learn to live without it.

Yet another thing in my change, I react to everything much calmer, I am not angry with children, I do not cry anymore. There have been such outbursts of anger in the past. And I’m still looking forward to the next day when I listen to hypnosis again! Your voice enchants me, so good to listen to. Thank you, Otilia, for being ❤

Vaida Ž.

Career success

How hypnosis helped me, about success !! Know you won’t believe it, or maybe you will trust it, but I still can’t believe what happened to me here. I will start with the fact that I am a painter and sometimes I lack motivation, but I always find it here and there for many years I have been fascinated by one gallery in London, which collects the best “artist” for its exhibitions. i watch and i can’t believe my eyes – that famous gallery added me to friends and still wrote me a letter 😳😳😳 !! Something fantastic in my career !! Not after 21 one day, but after TWO !!!!!!!!!! -Thank you

Artist/ Mother

I started singing, singing is everything for me

I am a psychology student and also had a long history of depression that I started treating this year. I attended therapy, psychiatrists and a psychiatrist. Yes, maybe the medication helped a bit in the fight against the insomnia that had been going on for a year… But in the long run I felt like we were just getting into the past during the therapy. You cut something out, and then you think, “What next? For I will not change it. Therefore, I was disappointed with the therapy. Then I found you. I had severe self-esteem problems and started listening to hypnosis for ‘self-confidence’. Already after the first week I felt like I was accepting myself, I was no longer afraid of the evaluation of others, I was no longer afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes have become my engine for improvement. This hypnosis freed me from the thought that I was traumatized as a child and had no hope of changing. I later started listening to hypnosis for success. And finally, after half a year, a job I enjoy appeared, and after a few months of searching for apartments, a suitable option appeared for me. This hypnosis especially added energy – for liberation and flow throughout the body.

Releasing energy has helped me deal with a problem that I couldn’t solve for 3-4 years. I have a voice and singing is everything to me. My disconnection from the world. However, when serious psychological problems started, I had to quit singing because I just couldn’t do it anymore. The energy was blocked, and although everything was technically flawless during the exercises, everything disappeared when I started doing the piece. Now when I sing I feel the energy flowing from the tailbone to the head, and even without rehearsing for 3-4 years, the voice and emotions when singing are stronger than ever…

Also, a lot of small changes have taken place, but I am most grateful for these. You have given hope again and again to celebrate life and enjoy it as the greatest gift. I never thought I could feel that way 💖

Eva P.

I threw away electronic cigarettes


After listening to the two hypnosis “Hummingbird”, I threw out electronic cigarettes the next day, I was addicted to them. I can’t look at them now, their smell is annoying, or even nauseous. It feels like I’ve never smoked them.

I started drinking a lot of water, which is not typical for me (a cup of coffee – all my fluids in a day). I became calmer. In my dreams I see how beautiful I am, with long curly hair – and I want to go to work even more beautiful than always. Hypnosis is enchanting, the voice is amazing, I can’t wait until the next day to listen to YOUR hypnosis again and again. I would call it a MIRACLE.

Lina Bunkaitė

I got rid of 21 years of emotional eating

On behalf of both myself and my husband, thank you. Because we all listen just differently.

Every year, the universe sends in a new person to change lives for the better – it was sent to you in 2021 by Otillia.

I tried and couldn’t believe that hypnosis could work that way, I would have said a few years ago, “what kind of food”.

Starting with ‘Hummingbird’, I started sleeping well right away, even after a few hours of sleep (I have a little daughter who wakes up ‘n’ times), but I seem to have slept all 8 hours, I have more energy.

I bought a hypnosis for memory and I watch – my memory goes back to cancer after giving birth. I also gave it to a friend, passed the exam a week later!

After a cycle of “Who I Am,” 21 years of testing (now 35, about 14), I finally started getting rid of emotional eating. It was the most necessary balance in my life – because that diet not only pushed in psychological barriers, but was also reflected in appearance. Thank you for being ❤️

Neringa A.

Brought order and peace

As I move into the New Year, I want to thank the Universe from the bottom of my heart for discovering these hypnoses that have absolutely changed and are still changing my inner world. How much order and peace they brought, so much clarity to life. All year long there was such a lot of courage inside that I was insufficient, unloved – with the help of hypnosis I am another person and I can live a much better quality life with an open heart and knowing that there is so much love in my life everywhere, that I am wonderful and sufficient and have nothing to prove !!!

My sincere thanks to Otilia and her team for the opportunity to grow, heal, improve and live the life of dreams !!!


Strong reprogramming

On a mental level, I had to resist the word “enough” to accept it. Wanted to change into worthy, full, fullness, perfect. Enough sounded like too little, apparently here the belief needed to be explored further. Still, there was a strong activation of wow, it was a very strong reprogramming for myself, I just saw how over time I pass on all that information and integrate it into my little Dawn, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Certain roads and orders have opened

Hi, Otilia! First of all, THANK YOU sincerely that you are, that you are creating, that you are helping people to improve, to discover themselves, to achieve goals, I can name a lot more and that is in one word – Hypnosis.

I will also touch on the good you are creating. I didn’t expect it and I was very surprised that it really works, because a drop of doubt is always there ☺️ I appealed to you because health is important in life, so I was interested in getting it right. Advised to buy Love for yourself. Hypnosis was amazing, there was everything, and a lot of tears, but then I just felt the stone rolled away from my chest, there was anger because the mind did not want to change, and there was a lot of happiness, love, radiance known. I just started to look at myself differently, certain paths opened up, orders, because as the blocks are removed, the whole world is not going to stop you, the goal is to get your health through personal hypnotherapy. I am very happy that you are 💚


I stopped chewing my nails

I bought hypnosis for myself – I have been listening for 21 days and I am grateful to have found you. I’ve noticed that I really feel a lot better, I don’t think about myself badly and the like anymore. I stopped chewing nails for what I was wow for a lifetime – as far back as I can remember I chewed on them. I started taking care of myself more and I don’t feel stressed anyway because I’m recently after the divorce and I was left alone with 4 kids, so I was depressed and the like. And now I feel so uplifted in the morning. Thank you very much!


I wanted it to last forever

Wow wow wow, the real miracle of this hypnosis, so wanted it to last forever, those words were for me, i felt so good !!! Tears rolled in the streams, as I considered myself a baby, such a powerful force flooded the whole being, I feel so good !!! I feel full, I feel safe and sufficient and a loving daughter of the Universe !!! Thank you Otilia, for your miraculous silky voice, you are a real Angel in my life.


I feel like in space

Hello. I want to share my cosmic experiences these days – I really feel like I am in space, things, processes are taking place that are too difficult for my mind to comprehend. Second hypnosis is something unreal !!! Endlessly big Thank you Otilia, will you just answer me or is everyone crying while holding yourself (baby) in your arms? Because I cry every day and even before the pain, my chest starts to ache like a lump there I don’t even know how to explain. But it’s probably also part of the process. It was through this hypnosis that I began to see, as always, three Angels enter my room at the beginning and stop around me. I see it not in such a real vision but somehow as if from the side from some observer (but I close my eyes) and then I feel very safe and that I can travel deep.


Hypnosis includes meditation

Hello, I bought hypnosis Love for myself. It’s unreal, I don’t understand how it “disconnects” me, but I haven’t heard it before. And whoever sleeps best, self-confidence returns. The feeling that hypnosis involves meditation. Thank you very much.


With the guidance of Otilia, my life has changed, both inside and outside

I recently had a unique opportunity to experience a new hypnosis about Love for Myself, about myself as a baby feeling self-loving. It’s a very deep, transformative hypnosis that has helped scratch things off where there was still some bit of dislike for myself, where there was still pain. Infinite liberation. It leads directly to the inner spaces, to the infinite union with your Higher Self, to the deep sense of self. This hypnosis was extremely gentle, sensitive and magical for me. I was very impressed by the quality – the introduction of Otilia, the introduction of hypnosis, the introduction and especially the music, the soundtrack. I rarely recommend anything, but when it comes to hypnosis, working with hypnosis, and Otilia, especially this latest hypnosis – I can only recommend it. If you want to change your reality on a subconscious level, hypnosis is a great tool. With the guidance of Otilia, my life has changed, both inside and outside. 


I have not yet asked for such deep hypnosis in Lithuanian

The soundtrack is very special, just carrying it even deeper into yourself. At some point, I felt like I was really communicating with the subconscious during those passages of voice. It is about reuniting with your little child, feeling yourself as the Supreme Consciousness and Love for Yourself. Otilia’s voice is so velvety, and the messages are subconsciously accurate. I absolutely didn’t want to end this journey with hypnosis, I really wanted to listen to it over and over again. Great for listening in the morning as it makes for a great day out. And when I opened my eyes, I felt a shift in reality and a relaxation. I have not yet asked for such deep hypnosis in Lithuanian. And it’s really much easier to accept information in your native language.


In love with yourself

It helped me a lot and changed my life by a 360 degree angle: financial abundance came, self-confidence, I am enough ėje Thank you so much for myself and the world for hypnosis and I know that I will definitely do hypnosis and more 🌟❤️❤️💛 Thank you Otilia 💛💛💛


I already have a guy, and ‘Hummingbird’ is better than coffee

Since I have a lot of your hypnosis, I’ve been doing it since October, that’s the effect you really feel. I listen to a few hypnoses in the evenings. “The magnet of love / relationship” and “Love for myself / I am enough” helped me to love myself more, spend more time with myself, and also a guy who is now a good friend to me.

Hummingbird works better than coffee and always shakes.

“Peace of mind, concentration, and memory” helped me focus more on learning, especially studying through controls, somehow making it easier to remember everything.


A real soulmate has emerged in life

I want to be happy with you. I bought a “Love Magnet” hypnosis, you know, a real soulmate has appeared in my life. After so many setbacks in my personal life, I was finally visited and lucky. After a 21-day cycle of hypnosis, I was caught not feeling worthy of the man I loved inside, but the second hypnosis I had acquired “LOVE GIVED A LOT OF CONFIDENCE TO YOU… I say with all my heart that you are for your amazingly powerful and life-changing activations.


No rashes, it is smoother, hair has stopped shedding.

On June 19, I had a fourth son. I already knew from previous postpartum experiences – hair loss. I tried various means to prevent this, unfortunately… After a few months, hair loss started in tufts😥

In October, IG to some of the people I followed, seeing information about hypnosis. Until then, I knew nothing and had not heard of it. I’m starting to take an interest in Otilian hypnosis, and you just think about how excited you are to learn that hypnosis ‘Beauty’ will be created 😍

I, of course, acquired and listened to hypnosis. The hair has stopped falling, now only a few fall out when combing or banging the hair. Even the skin has recovered.

Although I didn’t pay attention myself until I heard from those around me that the skin had not recovered from the rash, it was smoother.

It is a great pleasure to discover your hypnosis.


The carp is gone

I asked “Money Magnet” all 21 days, there were only a few days of breaks, but I think it works. The first auditions were strange to me because it was very difficult to see myself in the property, stretched out – after that I started sitting upright, even though my job was sedentary, but I didn’t even want to squat. I had started listening to “beauty hypnosis” – it removed my wart from the foot, which I tried to remove for maybe 3 years. I am grateful to you because my nerves, I feel well, because having two young children lacks patience.

Vilija S.

The loins also grew

I listen to beauty hypnosis, for about two weeks and realistically, hair – they look more. But what I see clearly is that the lashes that I grew so much, even surprisingly, are my natural lashes, I’ve never had such long and lush ones.


The skin structure is beautiful and changes

I want to enjoy Hair and Skin Hypnosis because my skin is changing a lot – a month ago I had an allergy after which my skin couldn’t recover. Now she has recovered – the rash has passed, the skin is getting firmer. The spots on my face are shrinking and a very interesting thing – the scar of my cesarean section, which is 11 years old and has never given in to massages – it beautifies and changes the structure of the skin in the place, here in space, because even a man noticed. 


From depression

I don’t know exactly how to express my thoughts .. A year ago, depression took away the joy of my life, it just disappeared and for some big reason, problems .. Doctors fed me pills that didn’t really make my life easier, I would say almost dead .. Then I found jus. Of course, I didn’t think life would allow me to feel miracles, but the hypnosis you create heals me little by little – I can feel my body again, feel alive, and be grateful for that feeling. I’ve been listening and still listening to your free hypnosis for months now because it’s not easy for me to get into it, but over time it happens a little bit. I think after all these hypnoses I will be ready for your personal session and I hope that after that I will be able to forget, get out of what keeps me…

Otilia, thank you for a second life that is just beginning for me 🙏

Daina up

I started singing, singing is everything for me

I am a psychology student and also had a long history of depression that I started treating this year. I attended therapy, psychiatrists and a psychiatrist. Yes, maybe the medication helped a bit in the fight against the insomnia that had been going on for a year… But in the long run I felt like we were just getting into the past during the therapy. You cut something out, and then you think, “What next? For I will not change it. Therefore, I was disappointed with the therapy. Then I found you. I had severe self-esteem problems and started listening to hypnosis for ‘self-confidence’. Already after the first week I felt like I was accepting myself, I was no longer afraid of the evaluation of others, I was no longer afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes have become my engine for improvement. This hypnosis freed me from the thought that I was traumatized as a child and had no hope of changing. I later started listening to hypnosis for success. And finally, after half a year, a job I enjoy appeared, and after a few months of searching for apartments, a suitable option appeared for me. This hypnosis especially added energy – for liberation and flow throughout the body.

Releasing energy has helped me deal with a problem that I couldn’t solve for 3-4 years. I have a voice and singing is everything for me. My disconnection from the world. However, when serious psychological problems started, I had to quit singing because I just couldn’t do it anymore. The energy was blocked, and although everything was technically flawless during the exercises, everything disappeared when I started doing the piece. Now when I sing I feel the energy flowing from the tailbone to the head, and even without rehearsing for 3-4 years, the voice and emotions when singing are stronger than ever…

Also, a lot of small changes have taken place, but I am most grateful for these. You have given hope again and again to celebrate life and enjoy it as the greatest gift. I never thought I could feel that way 💖

Eva P.

I fell in love, I accepted myself

All in all, you are the discovery of the year for me. Hypnosis gave me the confidence I lacked all my life, even if it looked different. I fell in love, I accepted myself. I learned to run, to forgive. There is still a lot to look forward to in the future, but this start is very important to me. Thank you. ❤️


I passed the test

My changes after hypnosis was something wow, I listened to 2 free hypnoses. First, I discover the time for myself, the confidence has emerged, I can do much more than before. I kept postponing the test for a year, but .. one late night, when the kids fell asleep, I listened to a cycle of hypnosis and thought, calm down, I finally want to pass the test (it was for work). Well you won’t believe it – I did it and after 2 days of receiving the answer I flew in the clouds, jumped out of happiness – I DID IT !!!!

The big change is that i got calmer with the kids, i don’t get angry anymore when they smash something, spill something, or shake something. But the most important thing is that I feel that I am distancing myself from my sister’s life, because I have lived her life, I have helped everywhere and always, but I have never been appreciated, now I somehow no longer offer, no longer fly, I feel it all happens to me automatically. I myself don’t even understand how I can, how it happens and what happens but happens.


I call it freedom

Hello Otilia, I want to share with you my experience of hypnosis “self-confidence”. I don’t know how to express the emotion, the feeling I feel now – it’s a “wow” kind of freedom. For a long time, I didn’t know where, how, or why, but I felt fear. Fear, excitement to go alone somewhere in the street, to the “people”. It seemed to me that everyone was looking at me, thinking something about me. It was so bad I was even suffocated. There was a shortage of air. After asking what 4 hypnoses I had on a flight. I flew alone with the child and he asked to take him to the toilet. Looking back, even before hypnosis, I tried to avoid the situation, the feeling of having to get up in front of 300 people on a plane, and go through it all to reach point A. But that time, after taking the child, I only realized after a while that than I would have wondered about it once. I did not feel any negative emotions… I call it freedom, otherwise you will not describe that feeling.


I’m another person!

I have wanted to write to you for a long time, but I still did not dare. I want to tell you so much, but first of all a big THANK YOU. Thank you for all that you are helping… After discovering you, my life changed only after listening to the hypnosis “Self Confidence” I am another person !!! I want to live at last. I am confident, that is the most important thing for me. I’m starting to love myself, it’s such a new, unfamiliar feeling for me. I see myself, it seems, with different eyes. I’m happy. I know this is just the beginning, but it’s amazing.


I became bolder

I want to share my feelings while listening to your hypnosis.

I started with a free hypnosis for ‘Self-confidence’, maybe there were no concrete changes with the naked eye, but I became bolder, I felt like I could, even the realization that it was time to quit my job (which I feared and avoided for 3 years).

Now my listening hypnosis – Money magnet!

I listened to her in the evenings, but I decided to listen to her in the morning as well. I can’t explain what I’m feeling, in that state of flow, my body is shaking, I even raised my arms this morning because I felt the shackles being cut with scissors !!!! I don’t know how the subconscious works, but I completely trust your guidance !!!

Thank you for what you give to the world !!! ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️


Everything turned around

I asked for your free trust hypnosis. Openly, I looked at it very skeptically, but honestly I asked every night, well and what can I say, I do not know how, but everything turned around 😲 At every step I feel confident, I look at everything calmly, a strange feeling but very good 🥰 I am grateful that you you have appeared in my life and your hypnosis is really working, in the future I will want your other hypnosis, maybe a few. Thanks ❤


I started to trust myself

Hypnosis and I discovered you through instagram. At first I was skeptical of all this, I thought I was unconscious, but I still tried to get the curiosity – which is what people praise here.

And I got what I least expected. First of all, I gained self-confidence that I hadn’t even dreamed of creating before. I just thought of my way of being a “gray mouse”. Hear no, I too, I can speak boldly, create boldly, express my opinions and feelings boldly.

Even the relationship with the environment has changed as a result of self-confidence. With husband, with friends, with family.

It is even easier to allocate time by trusting yourself and your decisions. Less chaos during the day, more quality time at work and quality with family and child.

I write and I wonder what I write, but it would seem like one small step, a different approach, a different action in the routine, but life is changing. To the good.

Thank you for that first step.

I didn’t expect it to be that strong .


Grades from 4 to 10 at once

I listened to hypnosis believing that if I did, it would definitely help me… Yes it was u I strengthened, I am no longer overwhelmed by the fear of deciding something and doing it the way I want. , I write down my plans of course… My daughter listens to science hypnosis… From an impossible grade of 4 – where she was always silent, managed to ask the teacher that she wants to recover… And once I read from 4 to 10, she was very happy with your hypnosis😇😇😇

Thank you and for your efforts to help everyone, it is important to believe, to want to change 🤗 So really the accumulated courage where they did not dare to fight for grades, and kept saying, “the teacher did not teach that lesson, I know nothing”… and asked orally… And the same thing – physics, during the same lesson held another control and… 10… 🤗🤗 It discussed all evening whether hypnosis could help, 2 control… I seem to have known everything without excitement… Do not retell her feelings 😇😇😇


It is possible to divide life before and after hypnosis

I also want to share my impressions of hypnosis. I was very deeply touched by the cycle of hypnosis “Beauty”, especially regression hypnosis because during it came a lot of deep perceptions of why my skin has been suffering from acne for 19 years. Everything possible has been tried over the years. But all

there was no cure. I believe it will finally disappear after this cycle because I understood why it was helpful for me to develop this disease. Everything consisted of small details like a puzzle and a clear understanding of who, how, where and when came.

I also bought a cycle of hypnosis for who I am. But kolkas do hypnosis just for self-confidence. Peace rushes after her and the whole body thunders. It’s hard to explain that feeling because you don’t even understand what’s going on with your body. I am very grateful that I discovered you and dared to try. It is possible to divide life before and after hypnosis! Thanks for being!


There was an acceptance of situations in childhood

And god, what happened to childhood situations… unpleasant painful situations just disappeared .. It broke and rubbed off forever .. The water that ran in the shower and disappeared .. Omg .. I can’t tell because it can only be felt .. hill .. I have such a feeling my mom and dad hugged me .. Very warm and whispering in the past and I have a perfect balance and balance .. And as a small baby I calmed their embrace only a warm tear rolled and the body shook and calmed down .. Thank you from the heart for parents .. for grandparents .. for grandparents .. Good… many lots of cleanliness .. Lb twitching eyes .. Face .. Body .. Heart beats .. The body calms down any tingling sensation .. Any energy masculine and feminine makes your… Harmony in body and mind .. Balance… and god what it was .. Fullness. Space – great gratitude to mom and dad !!!!! Thank you for being in this experience !!!!!!! Indescribable feeling… Those signals o god !!!! And in the end such a feeling in my face someone looked at me felt the warmth and vibration… Love .. Humility and gratitude !!!!!! What a strong energy I breathed in my face.


Ascending above the sky today and still with that feeling in my heart

It was very strong, it’s hard to even tell, I can’t see the picture, but just entering the first picture I felt up and my body was stable in the air, I’m so good at heart, excitement, joy, passion, pleasure, happiness, love, win, victory, it is true, discoveries – the totality of such feelings in one – it is a bomb, I was dizzy with pleasure. I saw myself in the second picture, sitting at home and playing with paper dolls that needed to be dressed in paper clothes, I had to cut them out, color them and put them on the dolls (there were such books in my time) and I put those clothes on, I don’t even see them like I would say the bouquet of feelings as one euphoria. Well, it was very strong today, stronger than 7d. There, too, the feeling was euphoric, but today rising above the sky and still with that feeling in the heart. wow wow wow


Waking up with a wonderful feeling of confidence and faith

Day 7 is different, for a couple of days I still see images from my childhood in the winter – skiing, a lot of adrenaline and joy. But who I am is no more visual than emotional yet. Today, just a different feeling is like the body to yourself, and the head to yourself, your hands as if numb and the heat goes through the whole body very pleasant and a little hot. The energy is very strong and awakened by a wonderful feeling of confidence and faith! Very interesting what will happen next! I hope I discover who I am!


Feeling fun and wonderful

How interestingly the body responds. Similarly, but in a different way for the first time. But such a deep feeling was repeated when I was in the same place for the first time. And now less than the left leg, the right leg is melting. There were tears and tremors in the body after joining the left arm to the right. I can’t seem to control it, and a wave of tremors is flowing through my body and it has been repeated so much harder, less. Feeling fun and wonderful.


I finally discovered what works and lifts me up

Hi, after a few days, the images and feelings are hard to come by, but I feel like vibrations in the body, waves, the feeling inside that the body is healing, changing, because after hypnosis I always feel uplifting and joy that I finally discovered what works and lifts me up. Thank you.


I accept everything and thank you for all the lessons.

It hasn’t happened yet, but… Who I am hypnosis is doing something to me because I’m already in 3d in a row I finish hypnosis with tears…. time… I send myself a beautiful dress – yellow shorts and a t-shirt, such a silk fabric, my grandmother takes me by the hand and we go beautiful green meadow… She is so proud of me… it has always been so… ..and all the other days – it’s dark and only in the eyes, it is lead, it is darkening… The body is jumping, it is calm… The shiver of the body is running away

i the people in my life. <..> I try to understand exactly what I have to feel or see, but kolk will try to give in to the flow and see what will be… <..> Thanks Otilia Dieaz for the opportunity to find out who I am… Go so deep that even the body trembles ir .and yet I know there are no coincidences, I experienced an infinitely severe allergy 3 days ago, the first in my 40 years – I was burning my whole face and body… I already feel good today. I accept everything and thank you for all the lessons.


I found the key – who I am

Maybe not a little hypnosis, and you helped to be reborn – to rediscover myself, everything turned 360 degrees, I rediscovered myself 😍❤


I got rid of 21 years of emotional eating

On behalf of both myself and my husband, thank you. Because we all listen just differently.

Every year, the universe sends in a new person to change lives for the better – it was sent to you in 2021 by Otillia.

I tried and couldn’t believe that hypnosis could work that way, I would have said a few years ago, “what kind of food”.

Starting with ‘Hummingbird’, I started sleeping well right away, even after a few hours of sleep (I have a little daughter who wakes up ‘n’ times), but I seem to have slept all 8 hours, I have more energy.

I bought a hypnosis for memory and I watch – my memory goes back to cancer after giving birth. I also gave it to a friend, passed the exam a week later!

After a cycle of “Who I Am,” 21 years of testing (now 35, about 14), I finally started getting rid of emotional eating. It was the most necessary balance in my life – because that diet not only pushed in psychological barriers, but was also reflected in appearance. Thank you for being ❤️


I listen to hypnosis while Mom heals

I wanted to share the results of hypnosis. I don’t know how much overlap here is, how much not, but before listening to the first part of the hypnosis cycle “who I am”, my mother’s doctors had found some derivation in the body. However, while listening to your hypnosis, after a couple of weeks of re-testing your mom, the doctors didn’t find that derivative anymore. Somehow I don’t even realize myself, I work with myself and my loved ones heal. Continuing to listen to the first part of the cycle “who I am”, I managed to see my inner child, who was not adopted even for 27 years. So many tears have been shed when I realize who I am and when I accept myself, I feel full and no relationship, no money can replace that feeling of fullness when you are sufficient and full of yourself. Thank you very much for everything 🙏


At last the mind sank

Hi, I wanted to share my experience of hypnotherapy😊 I am currently in the ‘Who I Am’ cycle. The start was difficult due to relaxation. Because the mind was very protective of the subconscious, like a protection. But now I often hear the beginning and continue to immerse myself in hypnosis. Finally, the mind fits, a lot of ideas, I never wanted to play board games because I am very critical of myself and can’t feel stupid. And dbr is attracted to games, kids surround me, more attention from the environment. Now I already plan that this year will be a year of travel, although I have always been a workaholic because I didn’t want to know myself and I ran away from my inner worms. I promise to take the big package – this is an extension of this course. Meditation was never possible because thoughts alone are non-stop. Also I give your hypnosis to listen to my customers, it’s very good emotions, said very difficult to retell. I use essential oils and drops. That alone reassures them. I don’t use valerian anymore, even my favorite glass of champagne is no longer delicious. Thank you.


People who have found hypnosis have won a ticket to a new self-love

The anxiety creature was gone, I didn’t know where and why, for no reason, I felt it and couldn’t understand it…. I used herbs and sometimes medicines to get rid of it, the acne disappeared completely, my back pain also evaporated – today with hypnosis I no longer need any medicines or herbs at all.
I lived a life before hypnosis that depended for the most part on the allure of others, today I live the way I want to, not other people….
Until hypnosis, I still wanted everyone to take care of me and comfort me, today I can take care of myself and I can take comfort in myself.
More and more often I am here and now without making plans for three years ahead… Now I do what I want I, not other people, I often feel blissful being alone without TV or talking on the phone with someone and about something…
I am blessed every day, with great Gratitude.
Found hypnosis.
I hug Otilia and her entire team.People who have found hypnosis have won a ticket to a new self-love… .to a new life…

Sima Sima

The ‘formula for success’ is turbine hypnosis

I’ll share it because I have some experience with hypnosis.

My relationship with hypnosis is very respectful and deep, because at first I got acquainted with the hypnosis led by M. Kašpirovskis, and I really listened a lot – as if doing a personal research. I can say that it works, heals and helps people, although not everyone wants to admit it.

It is a “cure” for all diseases, if you speak plain language. I have always preferred folk medicine, shamanism, hypnosis. Of course, if modern medicine is needed, I don’t underestimate it.

I am grateful to Otilia for her dedication to people, help and treatment. There are not many such professionals who carry out a great mission for the people.

I am currently listening to Otilia’s hypnosis from the cycle ‘Accept Wealth’ – “The Formula for Success”. For me, it is turbine, there is so much energy to act, the body itself really looks, the arms, legs move – it works, a very interesting feeling. The flow of thoughts has decreased in my head, playfulness and fun have appeared – well, I’m really having fun, I’m happy😃😃

I am in great gratitude and lightness, thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏


Thinking broad, positive

Otilia, the hypnosis given in the course ACCEPT PROPERTY is WOW !!! With your voice, my subconscious descended into the image of a holiday, a luxurious masquerade, surrounded only by roses and I am so calm, belonging, barefoot! And here is just the first hearing! What to expect after 21 days ?? !!! THANK YOU !!!!!! ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️


Some wishes came true, we will soon move to a more spacious apartment

I am very grateful to Otilia Dieaz for hypnosis. And every day I write that gratitude in my notes. I listen in the morning to “Desire Hypnosis,” and in the evenings and cycle the first one that was sent as a gift. They work very well for me. I’m logging out, running somewhere. It’s like I hear, but I don’t realize anything. What a single word I highlight and fly out again. After hypnosis, I am relaxed, calm. Family members notice that I am very calm. And yesterday, such a realization came that some desires had already come true, but those to which I did not pay much attention, I let go so easily. But they are not small. Orders come, bigger sales, I get presents and everything is set up so that we will soon move out to a more spacious new apartment. Wonderful oju Thank you Otilia Dieaz and also for everyone else, because together we amplify all that wave 😍


I learned to express my opinion

After personal hypnosis, I learned to express my desires, opinions. Although I understand that it is not for everyone. I used to put another person in the first place, now I raise my needs (the process is still ongoing).


The joy of life returns slowly

I’m so glad your Instagram profile and the products you’re creating have appeared in my life!

I was too old inside for my years and I didn’t see anything in my daily life, apart from a pointless routine, but … I was surprised myself when I caught myself planning the next day in the evenings and wanting it to get out as soon as possible! How long ago this feeling was gone! I started to feel again that I was living, not existing, when your hypnosis appeared in my life! I am very grateful for the slowly returning joy of life !!!


A new program in the body

Most importantly, I healed eczema thanks to my personal work with you! The skin is clean, soft and permission to go in physical contact has been sent to the system! True, this is one of the more interesting discoveries: in the process, I learned that physical contact is the most important language of my love. 🙏🏼 

Thanks to further work with you, my self-esteem has doubled – this has allowed me to choose new sciences and double the price of my services! I work less but be more productive.🙏🏼

Heart tests are waiting to be fought, so we will see how the result of working in hypnosis with a heart defect and its programs. So far, I can confirm: I launched a new project to the public !!! Otilia, the butterfly effect is an invaluable experience when welcoming you. In the heart forever grateful! 🧚🏼 

And the course of abundance will start this month – after the first hypnosis, 9 ideas for realization are already waiting in the list! Let’s move on!

And… important part: Thanks to you, I realized that I am the hostess, the hostess of all my layers, the parts of the system. THANK YOU


My 55-year-old psoriasis leaves my delicate skin

Words are really a little gratitude ❤️  you are a miracle. After personal hypnosis + beauty hypnosis, my 55-year-old psoriasis leaves my delicate skin, and the softness of my hair like silk fluttering in the wind. The realization that I am uniquely beautiful – in my own unique way, came with a sudden straightening of my back, and the gait became graceful. Being a victim was my choice and so clearly this perception came during hypnosis. Choices change.


I healed from depression

Hypnosis helped me heal from depression. I started looking at everything in completely different colors. With the help of hypnosis, I put together all my priorities, learned what I want from life in general. And most importantly, I finally started to love myself, there was a lot of self-confidence and that’s an unreal feeling. I am very glad to have discovered you, because I can finally enjoy life ❤️.


I got rid of bulimia for 15 years

I started listening to hypnosis again. Everything went differently again. As soon as hypnosis started, I fell asleep and woke up only when the onset of hypnotism began. I didn’t know if that was good. I listened 21 days ago. I suddenly realized that all those days I had never had eating attacks. Never …. I couldn’t believe it. Little did the desire to buy lottery tickets. And every time you buy, at least one is successful … although I’ve never had success in this area. I don’t know how to describe it, but … I feel like something very good is waiting for me in life. I feel amazing. Mostly because bulimia has disappeared from my life. Who tortured me for almost 15 years. I’m afraid to rejoice, I don’t know it will continue, but I’m ready to do anything to keep it going. And hypnosis seems to be the best tool for that. Otilia, I can’t tell you how grateful I feel for you and for the fact that you are. Thanks to you, I have a new life. Thank you! Thank you sounds really too little, but … I don’t know how to express gratitude in any other way. Thank you very much very much for who you are and what you share. YOU ARE AMAZING! ❤❤❤❤


Inner peace

I asked you about three hypnoses you created. You may find the achievement I mentioned so small, but to me it is huge! I can listen calmly, without extraneous thoughts for HOURS of hypnosis! I haven’t been able to concentrate for a few minutes before … And I believe that this is just the beginning of my even bigger changes ❤️ Thank you for visiting me a little bit, inner peace of mind, it’s amazing 😍


Eating disorder

Hi Otilia, I wanted to thank you for what you are doing .. Because it is really very powerful!

 And it is extremely necessary for people who are looking for an exit door from a stuck situation …

For so many years I have had an eating disorder that has taken up a large part of my living space … and now he has moved away … I feel freer, lighter, there has been more laughter and certainty in my life, my anxiety has gone away.


Family relationships and decision making

Thank you for your concern!

Without your hypnosis, I can no longer imagine an evening.

From day one, I started sleeping at night without waking up. It’s been going on so far and I really want to believe it will always be. The day I feel full at that time.

There has been a very strong change in my own thinking and behavior since Saturday morning, especially with my husband. (just when I got up in the morning, my mind / inside told me to do so). I was trying to be a full-fledged woman to him and he started to carry me on my hands in the true sense of the word. The structure of my sentences has become different: I have started to no longer “demand” but I am doing and just asking to be nice to me, I have started to treat every step and word the way I would like to be treated and I really saw that without words i get a lot back. What I didn’t expect him to do that way.

I feel stronger every day and have a very clear idea of ​​what I want, what I will do. Perhaps the inner feeling, the intuition, began to manifest itself more clearly.

The kids saw the changes as well. In both my and my husband’s behavior. I always turn around, hug and tell them that I am my dearest mother and how much I love me. Want to help everywhere.

The man began to invite him to dinner.

I can’t believe such changes in such a short time (especially in me). I think the next time will do even more and I find it very interesting!


Internal launches

Reconciliation with my mother happened. I even dreamed in a dream, on Wednesday night, how some curious situation provoked my mother’s psychosis, and I hugged her and said to her that I loved her, then my mother calmed down and everything suddenly turned in a completely unexpected direction, the situation resolved very nicely and calmly.

Another interesting thing, dream or not, sometimes it seems to me that I see images in a certain state, or when I travel at night but don’t dream. I would call a dream an exorcist. How I was driven out of some spirit that had settled down and those eyes of mine were so black when I saw in the mirror what was in me. Anyway, I remember clearly: identified, discovered, and scrambled.

There were episodes when I was very ill, here I am talking about the past, I kept seeing a man with a hood and a stick big. Picture black, dark, shadow full, feeling unpleasant. He was standing at the abyss, at the table, writing something in his permith pattern, and this time I saw him sitting on a horse: he turned and walked. I feel like I’m getting rid of something 🙂

Every time I go into hypnosis, I keep seeing something fall apart, something that is not mine and unnecessary for me.


The psoriasis is gone

Good day Otilia, Psoriasis has disappeared in some places. Where there was a very thick layer, like some hills, it’s a bulge, the inflammation calms down. It came to my realization that out of a paroxysmal situation – a desire for attention, protection, rejection – it was a victim syndrome in which I had been for a long time… I repeated an old pattern that was not mine at all.


Eating disorders, more than 20 years old, have disappeared.

Life changed after hypnotherapy, I recovered.

I don’t demonize food, I allow myself to eat, I don’t blame myself for eating, I live now. I no longer complain about the future, I no longer blame myself, my parents … I let go of everything … I am happy. No doubt there are more difficult moments, but then self-hypnosis comes to the rescue.

I am extremely grateful to you for what you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Otilia, hello! I write a few days after the session. Clearly, grandiose gratitude flies because I feel the body itself NEW. Easily, without fear, as the heart will shatter here. Lots of energy, lots of pulse. At first, it scared me because it’s new. As for the more subtle states, I began to express myself. Without a doubt, preparation, fears. Everything is very new to me. And it causes discomfort – I feel so … overwhelmed. And at the same time, so different that I can’t even be in a “new coat” myself. It changes from the ground up – desires, a sense of the world, directions … Otilia, it WORKS. Thank you.


I found talents

Today hypnosis was very strong, I felt in my body, mostly maybe my legs and muscles twitching, like impulses, but it was a pleasant feeling, when the body is relaxed, the mind is calm, I was all in hypnosis. I think I managed to really stay in that state, because bright images, such as opening portals, started to come and I felt like I’m flying them deeper and deeper, everything around was glistening with different colors, I saw some scenes like from a movie, but I understood that these were my previous experiences, it was really interesting to watch them. I also felt my powers, the talents that are in me that I was not aware. I am grateful to myself for living this life, for being able to experience it now and here, for being exactly where I need to be, everything in life is happening, exactly as it should be Thank you all, we are for each other.


Third day without anxiety

Good morning, just after listening to hypnosis. I am listening to it for the third day today. It’s  nice to listen, feels good, every day I feel like it’s going deeper into me. More and more, a sense of fullness resides in me. I catch myself looking forward to changes in my life, then I reassure myself – patience, everything will come easily, unexpectedly and everything will be even more wonderful than I think. And now I enjoy this day fully charged and grateful for what I have.”


After 13 years, eating attacks ended

Hello, Otilia, I did not write because I wanted to check the timing of whether hypnosis helped the subconscious to change the program.. After the meeting with you and after the hippotherapy I did not have any eating attacks … The topic of nutrition has eased … The condition is calmer. I still can’t believe that the 13-year program may just disappear – so I’m quietly checking and waiting …


Eczema problem

We worked with you on hypnosis for eczema a week ago. 3 days after the session, I clearly started watching that the new inflammation doesn’t start and the old one gets serious! The whole skin just becomes smooth and elastic! In the evenings I don’t play half an hour of digging anymore – the body no longer needs it, and if the skin stings, I repeat the mantra “I am in the first place, I am in the second place, I am in the third place” and I return myself to the axis, to my own needs !!! There was already a downside – cold in Lithuania. It was the hardest time for the skin. And this time I had a check. SKIN NO LONGER REAGENTS! It doesn’t hurt anymore, it doesn’t hurt anymore. In meditation, thank you to both you and your body. There is still room to heal, but I believe the change will happen in a couple of weeks! It’s liberation!


When you want to repeat and repeat sessions

After personal hypnosis, I feel like a new person. Let’s say who opened it, cleansed me, pulled out what was bothering me, and everything became within easy reach. It is impossible to compare with anyone and I would love it again and again. I’m so glad I’m committed. You are a wonderful person and do wonders.


Smoking can automatically go away by handling other problems

Hello Otilia. I listen to hypnosis, but practically every time and no matter what time of day I listen, I am cut out / melted in space. Very good feeling, something like that in your voice … The psoriasis is gradually decreasing, getting serious. I don’t smoke anymore, even though we didn’t touch smoking during hypnosis. A lot of fun. I feel really different, less distracted. Thank you.


After two sessions from stage 4 cancer

Hello, Otilia. I am glad to have discovered you. I will write about myself and my illness. After hypnosis, came the realization that life is beautiful and small things bring joy. During the hypnosis, I treated the disease, and I got a lot more: reduced fear, anger, stress, decreased, and maybe even gone headaches. I rejoice every day, I rejoice in my sons, warm feelings are back again, a good relationship with my husband. LOVE has returned verbally to my heart and thanks to your Otilia.


Low self-esteem, 3 days after the session

Hi Otilia, I am writing 3 days after a hypnotherapy session for low self-esteem. So what are the first impressions. First of all, the session itself was something wow, such a feeling that there was an incarnation, nothing like that in my life was lost. Leadership, support, your voice is a real miracle. I am very glad that I chose you. After the session there was an involuntary desire to write down on paper how amazing I am, I added two pages, then there was a desire to sing, I sang. The next day came such a feeling of peace and cleanliness. The feeling that I had picked up internal debris was so easy. In a word, the changes are already visible, and there is still to be heard personal hypnosis, which is also Wow. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel inspired, light, the feeling that I can knock down mountains, anything is possible. Personal hypnosis is the most anticipated part of the day. I haven’t found anything better so far for your hypnosis, although I’ve tried others, but for me they weren’t as suggestive and strong as yours, so I won’t listen to others. There are a few more plans for your hypnosis, I don’t know when to listen here, because I feel like I’m addicted to you in a good way. Good luck and thank you again for changing lives.


I was cured from cancer

I’m glad to have discovered you, Otilia. I had personal hypnosis, during which I was treated for a terrible disease – cancer. I really didn’t expect a miracle from hypnosis, but a miracle happened. There were tears and laughter during the hypnosis, brighter than the sun. After the hypnosis stabilized, I tell everyone I was healthy and I believe so and move on. I got not only the stabilization of the disease, but also inner peace, the love for myself and my family returned. I started to look at everything with different eyes, I gave up coffee and sweets on my own. Once again, I am glad to dare to write to you 🥰🥰🥰


Hypnosis – Winning a Love Ticket

Gone is the anxious creature I felt not knowing where and why, for no reason. I felt it and couldn’t understand …. I took herbs and sometimes medications to get rid of it. Acne has completely disappeared, back pain has also evaporated … Today, with hypnosis, there is no need for medication or herbs at all.

I lived a life before hypnosis that depended mostly on the persuasion of others, today I live the way I want to and not other people ….

Until hypnosis, I always wanted everyone to take care of me and comfort me, today I can take care of myself and I can take comfort in myself.

More and more often I am here and now, without making plans for the next three years … Now I do what I want, not other people, I often feel blissful being alone without TV or talking on the phone with someone, and about something …

I am blessed every day, in great Gratitude – to discover hypnosis.

I hug Otilia and her entire team. People who have found hypnosis have won a ticket to a new self-love …. to a new life.


The back pain is gone and the weight is adjusting

Back pain … My story is like this: my back pain tormented me for about 8 months. It was a difficult time in my life, there was not a day when I did not feel that pain … I discovered Otilia in one woman, saw how she was healed ❤️. The desire to live a full life was so great that I didn’t even look for more feedback. After personal hypnosis, my well-being changed … I can get up freely in the morning, I don’t hurt my hips as before   ❤️. Fatigue is gone, now I have so much energy 💣 … 2 personal hypnosis was due to weight – the desire to eat, snack has obviously decreased … Weight is regulated and it is gratifying. I am very pleased to be determined to take such a step. And I’m sure this is not my last hypnosis … Thank you Otilia ❤🙏


I chose my life

As I read the letters these days, I feel harmony, vibrations in the body, wanting more and more. I started to do it, I didn’t put off until tomorrow, if I don’t do something the way I want to, I don’t punish myself, and I say it’s the best version of today because I feel like it’s trying. In addition, I gained the courage to express my wishes out loud, in the past they were still in my throat not to say it, now I am no longer scared and those around me only seem to support me even more. I have chosen the people around me, I have made connections with those who have weakened me, now nothing prevents me from becoming my goal. I got the rhythm of the day, I don’t want to spend all day lying in bed, now the bed is just for me to sleep, I start it right after getting up, and I go back to bed, before hypnosis, I feel like it affects my sleep, I don’t suffer from various thoughts, and I fall asleep !

I feel that I have become more conscious, I pay attention to my thoughts, to my breathing, there seems to be nothing unnecessary in my mind, now I see in the mirror the image I love, I feel respect for myself, my body, mind and soul that I have suffered so much from what should value and protect themselves the most. Now I don’t spare myself nice words and I feel how the attitude of those around me has changed, of course in a positive direction, also, after a long time it is good for me to be alone, I learned to react and respond to my emotions, I am just good to be.

That’s it, in the summary, I sacrificed everything that was bad and didn’t satisfy me, exhaled what I no longer needed, and breathed in the changes needed as oxygen, many of which have always been in me, but quietly crumble and dare not be misunderstood.

So I want to thank you very much! I believe that nothing happens in life unnecessarily because I discovered you in my life at a time when I was being torn apart by myself into two parts who wanted to live completely different lives, now I have chosen ✨ and I believe there will be even more change! Thank you 🙏


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