F.A.Q – Amorati



Order Hypnotherapy by choosing the desired option – one session or package.
After confirmation of payment, the Amorati team will contact you with your personal e-mail regarding the further course and the choice of date and time.

You can order here:

One session – Hypnotherapy

3 Session Package – Hypnotherapy Package

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Rapid Transformational Therapy® is, as its name suggests, a fast-working, solution-focused and revolutionary therapeutic method that delivers permanent change, without the need for long and drawn-out therapy sessions. RTT® goes beyond hypnosis, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach.

While using correct, up-to-date, and relevant language when talking to yourself is certainly a part of any transformation, it serves as more of a reinforcement of breakthroughs rather than the catalyst. RTT® therapists could reach breakthroughs via hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to access the subconscious mind via altered language and self-talk.

It combines the most beneficial principles of Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to get the root of a client’s issue and negative beliefs, enabling them to address the issues in depth and completely overcome them. But it differs from all of these treatments because we access the memory and recall of your sub-conscious mind to pinpoint the limiting belief that holds you back. This belief is something you formed a long time ago, and it has been working away below the surface guiding you to continue with behaviours that no longer serve you. Once identified, we work on letting go of the belief and replacing it with the empowering thoughts, images and beliefs you identify as wanting.

What Should I Expect From a Session?

You will work with your RTT® therapist to uncover the meaning and interpretation of events in your life and then change them.

RTT also has the power to positively influence the mind-body communication pathways. Unprocessed and suppressed negative experiences and thoughts will not only have a negative impact on how we feel emotionally and psychologically in all areas of our lives, such as our relationships and career but also on our body at a cellular level. This often results in stress, disease, mental imbalances and physical pain. RTT® also uses Command Cell therapy as a technique for purposefully healing the body instead of positive conditioning alone. RTT® draws out “unfinished business,” meaning it is a technique for addressing the trauma that clients have held onto for many years.

RTT® works by empowering the mind to tell the body what to do, for example, heal itself using a technique called Command Therapy, easily move away from addictions, and turn fear into excitement. RTT® can tell the body how to react and how to feel, and it can alter and improve the messages the body sends to the mind so things like depression, anxiety, and panic attacks can be permanently overcome.


Yes, you are conscious during hypnotherapy, only the state of your brain changes – from beta to alpha.
In the alpha state, which you reach only during sleep, meditation, hypnosis, we discover what is programmed in your subconscious – by regression.
In a state of hypnosis, we return to past (usually childhood) events in which we look for what happened / why a certain fear or addiction arose.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

Hypnosis is NOT sleep. The main difference is that we tend to be relaxed but more conscious. If the person falls asleep during the session, the requested person returns to normal consciousness. It’s like just waking up after a short sleep. It feels fresher and more relaxed. At any time, the client can go out of hypnosis or choose to ignore the suggestions. No one is hypnotized indefinitely – you will always leave the trance in a short time.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

It is completely safe.
The therapist will take you to a safe space – he is trained to perform hypnosis in a safe way. So it is impossible that you will need to call an ambulance.
Remember – as long as you are in a hypnotic state, you do not experience the event again – you just remember what happened in your past, what was the cause of the problem.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

Hypnotherapy is completely effective during an online session.
When you close your eyes and are in a state of hypnosis, you forget whether I am near you or somewhere else. We are alone in this state and the quality of the session is the same.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

Addictions, alcoholism, smoking, drugs, gambling, compulsive behavior, anxiety, stress, fear, phobias, panic attacks, guilt, relaxation, eating disorders, diet, overweight, anorexia, bulimia, sports, depression, self-confidence, self-esteem , goal achievement, procrastination, career, interview skills, nerves, public speaking, concentration and memory, driving skills, sexuality, fertility, IVF, conception, fertilization, childbirth, pain relief, hearing, vision / vision, mobility, skin problems, hair growth, relationships, childhood, sleep problems and many other issues.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

It is even recommended.
Especially when the pregnancy is unstable – to keep and protect the baby.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

We try to arrange a meeting at a time when the person is the best version of him – the most sober at the moment. And we ask a person not to take it before therapy.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

Yes. However, it is very difficult to work with people who take antidepressants, for example. Antidepressants are very strong anesthetics that completely block consciousness. A lot of work is done with hypnosis to penetrate the real human consciousness.

In hypnosis, it looks like a thick cloud and you have to look for a person in the beginning.
This makes work very difficult and results more difficult to achieve. It takes more time, but don’t overdo it because people with depression also can’t be kept long under hypnosis.

Therefore, we urge you not to take antidepressants or similar medications for about a week before your hypnosis session.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/


  1. Registration for Hypnotherapy. We will contact you personally for the date and time.
  2. You will receive a form to fill out. It is very important to fill in all the sections informatively – the quality of the session depends on it.
  3. Call planning – 2/3 days before the booked hypnotherapy session, our team will contact you and arrange an appointment with Otilia Dieaz (duration: 15 minutes), which will take place the day before the session. This is necessary for the strategy and quality of your personal hypnotherapy.
  4. You will be sent a Zoom meeting link to contact Otilia Dieaz.
  5. After the session: it is important to drink plenty of water!
  6. From 1 to 5 days, write to us about your feelings, the changes that take place after hypnotherapy. A very important part of therapy is to record your feelings, feelings, changes. As you write, you may feel pain and realize what changes have taken place.More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

Getting rid of unwanted behavior and addictions – subconsciously rewriting an old program into a new one – changes your life and its quality. After the session, the hypnotherapist will provide recommendations on what to do after the hypnosis.

After the hypnotherapy, you will receive a recording of your hypnosis, which you must listen to for at least 21 days.

More information: amorati.dem.lt/en/hypnotherapy/

If you want new behaviors / habits to form in your subconscious, you must do so for 21 days in a row. This is how your mind works – you can change any faith by repeating it.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

We belong to the International Hypnosis Federation

The International Hypnosis Federation membership organization promotes beneficial and healthy learning, communication, practice and practice of mind, body and spirit. Since the 1990s, we have remained an inspiring open forum for growth-oriented education, beliefs and knowledge. Members agree to adhere to high ethical standards in their personal lives and vocations. We learn, work and play together, promoting peace, truth-telling, harmony, love, enlightenment, abundance and fun.

– Read more!


Otilija Dieaz has satisfactorily completed a course in teaching and studying the practical application of RTT at Marisa Peer School


More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/


Blocks are beliefs and old programs that hinder your further growth.

And with the help of hypnosis, they are pulled out en masse forever.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

Yes, even stronger. Because they’re amazed that wow, it’s really happening.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

A face-to-face session can find the root of this question – where the block is and why it doesn’t happen.

More information: amorati.es/en/hypnotherapy/

It is possible to order:

700€ – one session

2100€ 1900€ – three sessions.
3500€  2900€ – five sessions.


You can order here:

One session – Hypnotherapy

3 Session Package – Hypnotherapy Package

More information here!

Hypnotherapy package

  • When there is a more difficult situation in life and many different illnesses, emotions, full healing is offered with 3 sessions.
  • When there is a higher addiction, like alcohol, drugs or even cigarettes, a 3-session package applies. Less than 3 sessions are not recommended, no strong attachments with deeper dependence are needed to establish it for a wonderful long life.
  • Depression, panic attacks, great experiences, anorexia.
  • Severe diseases, heart, cancer, lupus and the like.

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3 sessions are recommended.

Although hypnosis is so strong that after one session, a woman often becomes pregnant, but 3 sessions are recommended.

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Hypnosis works very fast, it heals in moments. But such a speed is more difficult for a person to perceive and at the same time even the elimination of several diseases that are complicated to carry out at once. It takes time to breathe, to accept what has happened, time to get used to a healthy body, a state.

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The first and second sessions are only 1 week apart, the third session is about 2-3 weeks later.

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It is important – support from loved one as one goes through major life-changing transformations.

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Drink a lot of water – more than always. Remember this is the best natural transformer.

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Faith. This is not a necessity, Hypnosis works and without faith, like the Internet, it works and whether you believe it or not.

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About Hypnosis

Hypnosis is the process of awakening the state of consciousness and the space of conscious and unconscious communication of the mind. Some authors would argue that hypnosis is not self-therapy, and that entry and exit states resemble trance processes.

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic method used by a trained professional who uses hypnosis to diagnose and treat problems. So it seems to suggest that hypnotherapists cannot work without hypnosis, but hypnosis is a tool that can be used by a variety of professionals.

What are people talking after / reviews?

Hypnotherapy – the practice of hypnosis – involves the use of trance and hypnosis to correct habits of thinking, feeling, and behaving. It can also contribute to overall improvement through strategies. The results of hypnotherapy can be restorative, rehabilitative, curative, and apparently miraculous. All this by exploiting the untapped power of the subconscious.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Yes. Hypnotherapy is a simplified state of focused attention. You have the option to come back from hypnosis at any time if you wish. The hypnotherapist acts as a guide leading the journey; any changes can only be made by you. The realization that you are in control of everything and can change on your own can give you a lot of power.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Hypnosis is NOT sleep. One of the main differences is that we tend to be relaxed but with increased awareness. If a person falls asleep during a session, they will return to normal consciousness when asked. It’s like just waking up after a short sleep. They will feel fresh and more relaxed.

What people talk after / reviews? 

The customer can choose to ignore the offers at any time. No one is hypnotized indefinitely – you will always “get out” of a trance in a short time.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Hipnozė yra saugus ir veiksmingas gydymo būdas. Taigi tai padeda gydyti tokias ligas kaip galvos skausmas, nerimas, depresija ir mesti blogus įpročius, pavyzdžiui, rūkymą ir nesaikingą gėrimą.

Užuot atėmusi kontrolę iš individo, Hipnoterapija padidina asmens galią tam tikruose savo gyvenimo aspektuose. Taigi, atsikratykite neigiamų suvokimų, tokių kaip nerimas, blogi įpročiai, stresas ir skausmas.

What people talk after / reviews? 

1958 Hypnotherapy was officially recognized therapeutically by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the British Medical Association (BMA).

The European Hypnosis Society (ESH) is a confederation of national societies specializing in the application of hypnotherapy in medicine, dentistry, psychology and psychotherapy. ESH was founded in 1976 by a group of European medical professionals.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Probably the most common question asked by any hypnosis specialist is: how many sessions will it take?

Any competent hypnotist will be able to give an approximate time. Usually one session, for example, quit smoking, but if it is a bigger, deeper problem – about 3 sessions.

Rest assured that hypnosis, when used by a fully trained and experienced professional, usually greatly speeds up the healing process. Even very complex problems that might otherwise take months or even years to resolve can often take a few weeks to resolve. If the hypnotist knows what he is doing.

The hypnotherapist will explain step by step to your work method what you can expect from this session. You will also be asked some questions about your intention to attend this session. After the consultation, the therapist will direct you to hypnosis, using the method he or she deems most appropriate for you. After the session you can feel uplifted, lighter and very relaxed.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Yes, of course. For example, in the morning you can listen to hypnosis for success, and in the evening – for self-confidence.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Sleep is optional – if you hear the words, it’s very good too.
If you fall asleep and don’t hear, that’s great too.
There is no exact answer, hypnosis works in all cases.Sleep is optional – if you hear the words, it’s very good too.
If you fall asleep and don’t hear, that’s great too.
There is no exact answer, hypnosis works in all cases.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Days are counted – the time must be at least 21 days. You can also listen twice a day.

But for example, if you miss a day, listen to a double serving the next day, level up.

It is important to spend 3 weeks with one hypnosis for the habit to heal on its own.

What people talk after / reviews? 

Hypnosis essential oil

Essence of Alchemy of 12 different oils. It is a scent that helps to relax your body and mind before hypnosis or meditation.

The smell, what we breathe in – this sense doesn’t have any filters, that’s why we use it  to help surrender to inner self, our inner God seed.

It helps to release control, mutual illusions, adherence to the past.

You will feel harmony, peace and meet yourself, your pure purest soul.

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It helps you to dive into the depths of your own being. To start your journey into the heart and self-knowledge.

Helps to relax easier, to change your energy and your mood.

This deep smell shatters all fears into micro particles and it disappears.

It helps to release control, mutual illusions, adherence to the past.

Just You remains, and when you inhale this natural smell, you feel one with nature. You will feel harmony, peace and meet yourself, your pure purest soul.

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Hypnosis itself is a very delicate alchemy, touching the deepest parts of subconscious, rapidly transforming and liberating. The preparation is very important. To have courage to see your deepest fears, let it go, it can be quite challenging. So yes, we use all we got on the Earth to help us.

It’s helps you to dive into the depths of your own being. To start your journey into the heart and self-knowledge.

Helps to relax easier, to change your energy and your mood.

This deep smell shatters all fears into micro particles and it disappears.

This essential oil can be used on your skin.

It helps to release control, mutual illusions, adherence to the past.

You will feel harmony, peace and meet yourself, your pure purest soul. Just You remains, and when you inhale this natural smell, you feel one with nature.

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It was created for a person, who are coming to hypnosis session, could easily relax.

85% of people can’t relax quickly, because usually they are very tens, because of the routine, hard working schedules, stress.

When you come from your work environment to hypnosis session – it is very difficult to relax quickly. So that’s why Hypno essential oil is created.

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The smell, what we breathe in – this sense doesn’t have any filters, that’s why we use it  to help surrender to inner self, our inner God seed.

It’s helps you to dive into the depths of your own being. To start your journey into the heart and self-knowledge.

This deep smell shatters all fears into micro particles and it disappears.

Just You remains, and when you inhale this natural smell, you feel one with nature.

It helps to release control, mutual illusions, adherence to the past.

You will feel harmony, peace and meet yourself, your pure purest soul.

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This Hypno Oil has protection with Canella, which helps to meet your inner child. Frankincense dive into the deepest layers,  deeper to find the real wisdom. Lavender calming, with Peppermint to energise. Pomelo is not letting to fall asleep, so the nervous system sleeps, but the subconscious is active. Bergamot directly acting on the central nervous system – harmonising it, with Cedar Wood grounding. Ylang ylang helps with smooth transformation – to feel safe. Also I used a special ingredient, from Island of the Gods, Bali. Oil recommended for all kind of spiritual therapies – like hypnosis, meditation or just feel centred daily.

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Step by step:

  1. Open up the bottle.
  2. Take few drops from the bottle with pipette.
  3. Drop few drops on your wrists – rub them one against each other.
  4. While you rub your wrists – inhale in the smell slowly.
  5. Then with your wrists lubricat your neck (down your ears). It is the zone where smell quickly go thorugh all the body.
  6. Then with your wrists rotate your temples – very gentle.
  7. The last position – your third eye. Gently put your wrists on your third eye and tap on for a few seconds.
  8. Breathe.

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Yes, it is used before hypnosis session, but also you can use it for your relaxation.

For example when you come back home from workday and want just to be in a quiet, peacefull state.

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We use the flowering part of the plant to produce the essence. And the process of absorbing the sun in the water captures the energy imprint of the flower. Thus, unlike essential oils or herbs that contain physical substances derived from plants, the flower essence does not contain a physical portion of the flower. Only his healing vibration. Each flower has a different healing quality.

It was first developed in the 1930s by the English physician Dr. Edward Bach. He prepared 38 medicines, mostly from English wildflowers.

Flower essences work on the principle of resonance. As a result, flower essences act energetically rather than biochemically. All plants have a unique pattern of vibrational energy, and the flower is the pinnacle of that energy. So Sometimes flower essences work right away; at other times you may feel the effects unfold in days or weeks, layer by layer.

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The main difference to look out for when it comes to flower essences and essential oils is the use.

For internal use of the essence, it is necessary to use a pipette – for example, as a replacement pipette (it’s already in a bottle). Another difference is that essential oils have specific aromas; flower essences no. Essential oils are made from a large amount of plant material, and flower essences only from the flowering part of the plant.

Flower essences and essential oils are highly complementary to each other in healing work.

Flower essences are safe and gentle to use both indoors and on the skin. The vibrational imprint of the flower is extracted in the water, which is then preserved. Essential oils act primarily through the sense of smell. Essential oils require the use of a transfer oil.

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Many people report general differences in flower essences and oils. Customers feel uplifted, calmer, or better at dealing with existing situations. However, to notice really specific changes in the essence of flowers and oil, you will need to objectively monitor your emotional and mental state.

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Our customers have told us that San Pedro Essence is very safe and can be used by anyone, including children. Essences complement each treatment.
Animals feel the change in vibration in the body even faster and we immediately see the effect on your pet.

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Yes, because the essence of San Pedro has no psychoactive effect on you.
Natural flower essence – San Pedro is made from Wachuma cactus flower according to Dr. Bach technology.

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No, the vibrating imprint of the flower is extracted in water, which is then diluted. You are not using the psychoactive part, which is the Wachuma cactus itself.

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This essence works through the central and heart chakras, helping to open the heart, to feel happiness and bliss. It is also very helpful in reducing stress or mood swings.

Our body is 60-70% water, so this essence helps to lift the vibration of the water in us. Feel your inner fullness and realize that we are divine beings. Creativity opens up in art, in the daily routine, in life itself.

The essence of the San Pedro flower is about transformation, rebirth, spiritual discipline, and access to creative potential.

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They can help people suffering from physical ailments by addressing the emotional reactions to the illness. And working with the underlying conflicts and tensions that could have contributed to the onset of the disease.

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