In a state of hypnosis, it is normal to feel various sensations – Amorati

In a state of hypnosis, it is normal to feel various sensations

🌟In a state of hypnosis, it is normal to feel various sensations in your body, it can be itching, tension or heat, cold in certain parts of the body.

🧘🏼‍♀️The most important thing is to relax and let it happen, these sensations simply mean that the hypnosis is working and that the energy is moving, clearing old, negative beliefs.

Why is this happening? The subconscious is not only in one place of the brain or mind, the subconscious is all the cells and particles of the body that store all the information of life.

For example, a woman always had pain in her right arm, she noticed that it happened when she was hugging her husband.

💫In hypnosis, she returned to the moment when she wanted to hug her father as a child, but he strongly pushed her away by grabbing her right hand.

The memory of the event remained in the hand and was activated whenever the woman sought closeness.


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