Hypnotherapy costs: 900€ 700€ – one session
2100€ 1900€ – three sessions.
3500€ 2900€ – five sessions.
Duration: 90 minutes for adults. 60 minutes for children.
Language available: english or lithuanian.
Appointments are held online via Zoom platform.
After hypnotherapy you are getting a record of your own hypnosis that you will need to repeat for 21 day.
Appointment Steps
Registration in a calendar and payment.
- You will get a form to fill in. It’s very important to fill all the collums informatively – the quality of session depends from that.
- Scheduling appointment call – 2/3 days before your booked Hypnotherapy session our team will contact you to schedule appointment call (duration: 15minutes) with Otilija Diaz that will happen a day before the session. This is needed for the strategy of your personal Hypnotheraphy session.
- Zoom meeting link is send to you where you will connect with Otilija Diaz.
- After the session: you must drink a lot of water! Between 1 to 5 days, write us your feelings, changes happening after Hypnotherapy. It is very important part of therapy – to write your senses, feelings, differences. When you write, you can feel pain and have perceptions, what kind of changes happened.

Marisa Peer
„My mission is to spread the message that there are simple, rapid, and effective techniques everyone can use that can truly change your life.
Having helped my clients, including Hollywood celebrities, CEOs, royalty, and sports stars for over 30 years, I created my multi-award-winning Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) to make these techniques available to everyone. RTT® now trains thousands of therapists each year, creating a ripple effect of transformation worldwide.
I also dedicate my time to developing powerful self-hypnosis programs designed to release common blocks people face in every area of their life, from self-confidence, weight, relationships, finances, and much more.“
— Marisa Peer
We belong to International Hypnosis Federation
14-year-old migraine “removed” after the session
It has been 3 months since Otilia’s personal hypnosis. how good i feel I had migraines for 14 years, every month. I still can’t believe that everything has been removed like a hand. And at the same time, I believe that I am healed.
Before personal hypnosis, I saw someone’s comment that Otilia’s hypnosis is just marketing. I remember being uneasy after reading it. Instead, I want to leave this comment that Ottilia healed me!!! What no medicine could do. As I say, who knows what will happen next, but in 14 years I have not felt so healthy for so long as I do now. And not only the migraine disappeared – my skin condition improved (dermatitis). How much positivity has appeared, how much self-confidence.
-Aurelia P.
How personal hypnosis changed and is still changing my life
I would describe it in one word – WOW. During hypnosis, I answered a bunch of questions that prevented me from breathing with a full chest for 40 years!!! Indescribable ease, when in every situation you tell yourself to stop, everything is different, I am different. Ease, peace, peace with myself, the realization that I am in control, no expectations that someone else is responsible for my happiness. And on the path to self-realization, there are steps forward, I opened doors where I would not have dared to look before hypnosis.
Strong programs are removed, relief is felt immediately
I want to share my experience after hypnosis. She was intense. Structured and very powerful. The words were only the tip of the iceberg when compared to what layers received, read and integrated the information. After the session I INSTANTLY felt like I was flying, the feeling of weight and heaviness disappeared. Removed strong programs, I felt the relief immediately. I highly recommend it and will continue to follow the sensations in the coming days.
Heartfelt thanks to Otilia for the guidance, attention, tenderness, support and encouragement/words of praise. Professionalism at the highest level.
With many thanks,
-Inga Sala
I have started divorce proceedings
I am very glad to know about you, Otilija. I started listening to your hypnosis more than a year ago, and after 2 personal sessions, my life is changing very rapidly, only for the better. I believe that the processes taking place in me with the help of hypnosis will help me create a happy life again. Thank you! Continue to share your knowledge, be that inspiration, that muse that encourages people to change, to take steps towards happiness, self-knowledge!
p.s. the planet I saw during hypnosis, according to the color spectrum, the closest to Venus :). I have started divorce proceedings!
I chose my life
As I read the letters these days, I feel harmony, vibrations in the body, wanting more and more. I started to do it, I didn’t put off until tomorrow, if I don’t do something the way I want to, I don’t punish myself, and I say it’s the best version of today because I feel like it’s trying. In addition, I gained the courage to express my wishes out loud, in the past they were still in my throat not to say it, now I am no longer scared and those around me only seem to support me even more. I have chosen the people around me, I have made connections with those who have weakened me, now nothing prevents me from becoming my goal. I got the rhythm of the day, I don’t want to spend all day lying in bed, now the bed is just for me to sleep, I start it right after getting up, and I go back to bed, before hypnosis, I feel like it affects my sleep, I don’t suffer from various thoughts, and I fall asleep !
I feel that I have become more conscious, I pay attention to my thoughts, to my breathing, there seems to be nothing unnecessary in my mind, now I see in the mirror the image I love, I feel respect for myself, my body, mind and soul that I have suffered so much from what should value and protect themselves the most. Now I don’t spare myself nice words and I feel how the attitude of those around me has changed, of course in a positive direction, also, after a long time it is good for me to be alone, I learned to react and respond to my emotions, I am just good to be.
That’s it, in the summary, I sacrificed everything that was bad and didn’t satisfy me, exhaled what I no longer needed, and breathed in the changes needed as oxygen, many of which have always been in me, but quietly crumble and dare not be misunderstood.
So I want to thank you very much! I believe that nothing happens in life unnecessarily because I discovered you in my life at a time when I was being torn apart by myself into two parts who wanted to live completely different lives, now I have chosen ✨ and I believe there will be even more change! Thank you 🙏
The back pain is gone and the weight is adjusting
Back pain … My story is like this: my back pain tormented me for about 8 months. It was a difficult time in my life, there was not a day when I did not feel that pain … I discovered Otilia in one woman, saw how she was healed ❤️. The desire to live a full life was so great that I didn’t even look for more feedback. After personal hypnosis, my well-being changed … I can get up freely in the morning, I don’t hurt my hips as before ❤️. Fatigue is gone, now I have so much energy 💣 … 2 personal hypnosis was due to weight – the desire to eat, snack has obviously decreased … Weight is regulated and it is gratifying. I am very pleased to be determined to take such a step. And I’m sure this is not my last hypnosis … Thank you Otilia ❤️🙏
Hypnosis – Winning a Love Ticket
Gone is the anxious creature I felt not knowing where and why, for no reason. I felt it and couldn’t understand …. I took herbs and sometimes medications to get rid of it. Acne has completely disappeared, back pain has also evaporated … Today, with hypnosis, there is no need for medication or herbs at all.
I lived a life before hypnosis that depended mostly on the persuasion of others, today I live the way I want to and not other people ….
Until hypnosis, I always wanted everyone to take care of me and comfort me, today I can take care of myself and I can take comfort in myself.
More and more often I am here and now, without making plans for the next three years … Now I do what I want, not other people, I often feel blissful being alone without TV or talking on the phone with someone, and about something …
I am blessed every day, in great Gratitude – to discover hypnosis.
I hug Otilia and her entire team. People who have found hypnosis have won a ticket to a new self-love …. to a new life.
I was cured from cancer
I’m glad to have discovered you, Otilia. I had personal hypnosis, during which I was treated for a terrible disease – cancer. I really didn’t expect a miracle from hypnosis, but a miracle happened. There were tears and laughter during the hypnosis, brighter than the sun. After the hypnosis stabilized, I tell everyone I was healthy and I believe so and move on. I got not only the stabilization of the disease, but also inner peace, the love for myself and my family returned. I started to look at everything with different eyes, I gave up coffee and sweets on my own. Once again, I am glad to dare to write to you 🥰🥰🥰
Low self-esteem, 3 days after the session
Hi Otilia, I am writing 3 days after a hypnotherapy session for low self-esteem. So what are the first impressions. First of all, the session itself was something wow, such a feeling that there was an incarnation, nothing like that in my life was lost. Leadership, support, your voice is a real miracle. I am very glad that I chose you. After the session there was an involuntary desire to write down on paper how amazing I am, I added two pages, then there was a desire to sing, I sang. The next day came such a feeling of peace and cleanliness. The feeling that I had picked up internal debris was so easy. In a word, the changes are already visible, and there is still to be heard personal hypnosis, which is also Wow. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel inspired, light, the feeling that I can knock down mountains, anything is possible. Personal hypnosis is the most anticipated part of the day. I haven’t found anything better so far for your hypnosis, although I’ve tried others, but for me they weren’t as suggestive and strong as yours, so I won’t listen to others. There are a few more plans for your hypnosis, I don’t know when to listen here, because I feel like I’m addicted to you in a good way. Good luck and thank you again for changing lives.
Eczema problem
We worked with you on hypnosis for eczema a week ago. 3 days after the session, I clearly started watching that the new inflammation doesn’t start and the old one gets serious! The whole skin just becomes smooth and elastic! In the evenings I don’t play half an hour of digging anymore – the body no longer needs it, and if the skin stings, I repeat the mantra “I am in the first place, I am in the second place, I am in the third place” and I return myself to the axis, to my own needs !!! There was already a downside – cold in Lithuania. It was the hardest time for the skin. And this time I had a check. SKIN NO LONGER REAGENTS! It doesn’t hurt anymore, it doesn’t hurt anymore. In meditation, thank you to both you and your body. There is still room to heal, but I believe the change will happen in a couple of weeks! It’s liberation!
After 13 years, eating attacks ended
Hello, Otilia, I did not write because I wanted to check the timing of whether hypnosis helped the subconscious to change the program.. After the meeting with you and after the hippotherapy I did not have any eating attacks … The topic of nutrition has eased … The condition is calmer. I still can’t believe that the 13-year program may just disappear – so I’m quietly checking and waiting …
Third day without anxiety
Good morning, just after listening to hypnosis. I am listening to it for the third day today. It’s nice to listen, feels good, every day I feel like it’s going deeper into me. More and more, a sense of fullness resides in me. I catch myself looking forward to changes in my life, then I reassure myself – patience, everything will come easily, unexpectedly and everything will be even more wonderful than I think. And now I enjoy this day fully charged and grateful for what I have.”
Hypnosis was very strong
Today hypnosis was very strong, I felt in my body, mostly maybe my legs and muscles twitching, like impulses, but it was a pleasant feeling, when the body is relaxed, the mind is calm, I was all in hypnosis. I think I managed to really stay in that state, because bright images, such as opening portals, started to come and I felt like I’m flying them deeper and deeper, everything around was glistening with different colors, I saw some scenes like from a movie, but I understood that these were my previous experiences, it was really interesting to watch them. I also felt my powers, the talents that are in me that I was not aware. I am grateful to myself for living this life, for being able to experience it now and here, for being exactly where I need to be, everything in life is happening, exactly as it should be Thank you all, we are for each other.
Heart disorder, 3 days after the session
„ I run to the mountains after the session, Otilia!“
Otilia, hello! I write a few days after the session. Clearly, grandiose gratitude flies because I feel the body itself NEW. Easily, without fear, as the heart will shatter here. Lots of energy, lots of pulse. At first, it scared me because it’s new. As for the more subtle states, I began to express myself. Without a doubt, preparation, fears. Everything is very new to me. And it causes discomfort – I feel so … overwhelmed. And at the same time, so different that I can’t even be in a “new coat” myself. It changes from the ground up – desires, a sense of the world, directions … Otilia, it WORKS. Thank you.
Hypnotherapy for smoking
I feel liberated, the smoking of others doesn’t affect me at all (I feared that before). Also, a lot more energy and the mood is much better.
– Simona
Eating disorders, more than 20 years old, have disappeared.
Life changed after hypnotherapy, I recovered.
I don’t demonize food, I allow myself to eat, I don’t blame myself for eating, I live now. I no longer complain about the future, I no longer blame myself, my parents … I let go of everything … I am happy. No doubt there are more difficult moments, but then self-hypnosis comes to the rescue.
I am extremely grateful to you for what you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
– Ina
The psoriasis is gone
Good day Otilia, Psoriasis has disappeared in some places. Where there was a very thick layer, like some hills, it’s a bulge, the inflammation calms down. It came to my realization that out of a paroxysmal situation – a desire for attention, protection, rejection – it was a victim syndrome in which I had been for a long time… I repeated an old pattern that was not mine at all.
– Jūratė
Internal launches
Reconciliation with my mother happened. I even dreamed in a dream, on Wednesday night, how some curious situation provoked my mother’s psychosis, and I hugged her and said to her that I loved her, then my mother calmed down and everything suddenly turned in a completely unexpected direction, the situation resolved very nicely and calmly.
Another interesting thing, dream or not, sometimes it seems to me that I see images in a certain state, or when I travel at night but don’t dream. I would call a dream an exorcist. How I was driven out of some spirit that had settled down and those eyes of mine were so black when I saw in the mirror what was in me. Anyway, I remember clearly: identified, discovered, and scrambled.
There were episodes when I was very ill, here I am talking about the past, I kept seeing a man with a hood and a stick big. Picture black, dark, shadow full, feeling unpleasant. He was standing at the abyss, at the table, writing something in his permith pattern, and this time I saw him sitting on a horse: he turned and walked. I feel like I’m getting rid of something 🙂
Every time I go into hypnosis, I keep seeing something fall apart, something that is not mine and unnecessary for me.
Family relationships and decision making
Thank you for your concern!
Without your hypnosis, I can no longer imagine an evening.
From day one, I started sleeping at night without waking up. It’s been going on so far and I really want to believe it will always be. The day I feel full at that time.
There has been a very strong change in my own thinking and behavior since Saturday morning, especially with my husband. (just when I got up in the morning, my mind / inside told me to do so). I was trying to be a full-fledged woman to him and he started to carry me on my hands in the true sense of the word. The structure of my sentences has become different: I have started to no longer “demand” but I am doing and just asking to be nice to me, I have started to treat every step and word the way I would like to be treated and I really saw that without words i get a lot back. What I didn’t expect him to do that way.
I feel stronger every day and have a very clear idea of what I want, what I will do. Perhaps the inner feeling, the intuition, began to manifest itself more clearly.
The kids saw the changes as well. In both my and my husband’s behavior. I always turn around, hug and tell them that I am my dearest mother and how much I love me. Want to help everywhere.
The man began to invite him to dinner.
I can’t believe such changes in such a short time (especially in me). I think the next time will do even more and I find it very interesting!
– Šarūnė
Eating disorder
Hi Otilia, I wanted to thank you for what you are doing .. Because it is really very powerful!
And it is extremely necessary for people who are looking for an exit door from a stuck situation …
For so many years I have had an eating disorder that has taken up a large part of my living space … and now he has moved away … I feel freer, lighter, there has been more laughter and certainty in my life, my anxiety has gone away.
I got rid of bulimia for 15 years
I started listening to hypnosis again. Everything went differently again. As soon as hypnosis started, I fell asleep and woke up only when the onset of hypnotism began. I didn’t know if that was good. I listened 21 days ago. I suddenly realized that all those days I had never had eating attacks. Never …. I couldn’t believe it. Little did the desire to buy lottery tickets. And every time you buy, at least one is successful … although I’ve never had success in this area. I don’t know how to describe it, but … I feel like something very good is waiting for me in life. I feel amazing. Mostly because bulimia has disappeared from my life. Who tortured me for almost 15 years. I’m afraid to rejoice, I don’t know it will continue, but I’m ready to do anything to keep it going. And hypnosis seems to be the best tool for that. Otilia, I can’t tell you how grateful I feel for you and for the fact that you are. Thanks to you, I have a new life. Thank you! Thank you sounds really too little, but … I don’t know how to express gratitude in any other way. Thank you very much very much for who you are and what you share. YOU ARE AMAZING! ❤❤❤❤
-Gabija D
Hypnosis helped me heal from depression. I started looking at everything in completely different colors. With the help of hypnosis, I put together all my priorities, learned what I want from life in general. And most importantly, I finally started to love myself, there was a lot of self-confidence and that’s an unreal feeling. I am very glad to have discovered you, because I can finally enjoy life ❤️.
Words are really a little gratitude ❤️ agreeing with you is a miracle. After personal hypnosis + beauty hypnosis, my 55-year-old psoriasis leaves my delicate skin, and the softness of my hair like silk fluttering in the wind. The realization that I am uniquely beautiful – in my own unique way, came with a sudden straightening of my back, and the gait became graceful. Being a victim was my choice and so clearly this perception came during hypnosis. Choices change.
A new program in the body
Most importantly, I healed eczema thanks to my personal work with you! The skin is clean, soft and permission to go in physical contact has been sent to the system! True, this is one of the more interesting discoveries: in the process, I learned that physical contact is the most important language of my love. 🙏🏼
Thanks to further work with you, my self-esteem has doubled – this has allowed me to choose new sciences and double the price of my services! I work less but be more productive.🙏🏼
Heart tests are waiting to be fought, so we will see how the result of working in hypnosis with a heart defect and its programs. So far, I can confirm: I launched a new project to the public !!! Otilia, the butterfly effect is an invaluable experience when welcoming you. In the heart forever grateful! 🧚🏼
And the course of abundance will start this month – after the first hypnosis, 9 ideas for realization are already waiting in the list! Let’s move on!
And… important part: Thanks to you, I realized that I am the hostess, the hostess of all my layers, the parts of the system. THANK YOU