The time for change is not always easy and smooth.
There is a very good saying – if you want to get to know a person, look at his friends, the environment and understand who he is. Because these are his mirrors.
In other words, you can pay attention to your environment, if you make friends with 5 rich friends, you will become rich yourself because you will identify with the environment.
But confront the 5 losers and you will become the same as they are.
Real practice shows that the environment will start to change just after your changes.
If a person quits smoking, it will very quickly decrease the number of smokers around him as well.
By giving up alcohol, a person very quickly attracts an environment that also does not consume alcohol.
This is the law of the Universe, such attracts, similar attracts similar.
So, fear of change is not worth it, you have to learn to accept it.