When I lost my husband I fell into a complete inner and financial hole, it was very bad.
Just imagine, after all, I had help by my side all the time, the children had a father.
🫂As it used to be, we were a team, and without him, that team collapsed and everything fell only on my shoulders.
However, as you can see, I got back on my feet and I am very grateful for this experience. I am an example that there is no such situation from which it is impossible to get out.
💫I made a decision to be happy and share it with other people.
To share the hope that everything is possible and how important it is to admit the real truth to yourself by letting go of all the masks, blocks, difficulties, anxieties and everything else that we accumulate in ourselves.
🪞Everything is a mirror – the way we are, the people we attract around us. Let us constantly remind ourselves of this.
As we walk the path of spirituality, we must understand and accept the need to be completely open.