Start from yourself – Amorati

Start from yourself

You need to start with yourself – to change yourself, not the environment.
The environment will change spontaneously with us.
Tools that help open the true truth in us – meditation, hypnosis.
It is important to remember that the highest vibrations are broadcast:
◊ Gratitude.
◊ Humility.
◊ Love.
It is necessary to live in such a way that we broadcast all this through ourselves, with our actions and words.
💫 One of the strongest and most effective tools to achieve what we want is a manifestation.
Using this tool, we throw away the negative luggage of ourselves, which we have accumulated from the outside when those around us repeated – you are too thick/a, you are too slow, you can’t, you will not achieve the goals and so on.
We are all the unique creations of God with all our choices.
For example, I always have the money, I am financially self -sufficient, I live in a beautiful home with a pool and all possible amenities.
By manifesto, I choose to live like that.
⚠️ It is also important to know that when we are financially stable and choose to lend money to other people, we drain a high flow of energy from ourselves.
It is best to simply give the amount of money you choose so that the debt (in the position of both the debtor and the lender) does not waste energy.
If we have lent money to the other person, we can also decide to donate existing debt and terminate the connection that links us to the person we owe us.
For example, we write the text on a piece of paper that we donate the rest of the debt. We sign and send a letter to the person who owes us.
Our essential decision is to be a happy person.
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